This page features written TSM Addon and Desktop App guides, for beginner and intermediate users.
The Lazy Goldmaker - Beginner to Intermediate (English)
Part 4: Value Sources and pricing
Part 5: Using auctioning to post your items
Part 6: Using shopping scans to find great deals
Part 7: Using the Dashboard and Ledger to analyze your performance
Part 8: Saving tons of time with mailing operations
Part 9: Crafting and crafting operations
Note: Part 10 is no longer applicable after TSM version 4.10 due to the redesign of the Auction House in patch 8.3
Part 11: Inventory management with warehousing
Part 12: Using custom price sources to simplify your operations
Part 13: Advanced pricing strings using logic functions
Sygon_Paul - Intermediate to Advanced (English)
Part 1: Making Crafting profitable - Adjusting material values for your purchases
Part 2: Making Crafting profitable - Profits, Fees & Price Sources
Part 3: Making Crafting profitable - Gathering, Default Material Cost Method, and Accounting Data
Part 4: Making Crafting profitable - Crafting Operations & Considering Procs
Part 5: Making Crafting profitable - Auctioning Operations and final thoughts